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Sustainability is at our core

Recycling report December 2023

We recycle our waste with FirstMile Recycling who provide a monthly and annual report for us to ensure we are meeting our high standards.

Our current recycling rate


How we stay sustainable

2029 Carbon Neutral

City Images are committed to our carbon neutral business model.

By offsetting our carbon emissions, we prioritise sustainability and contribute to a positive environmental impact.

Digital Options

Digital printing has no requirement for printing plates and has virtually zero waste.

FSC approved paper

90% of the paper we use is FSC approved (Forestry Stewardship Council International. For further information, see

Auditing from seed to paper, ensuring a truly sustainability industry.

Informing Clients & Suppliers

It is our policy to inform our clients of the various materials available and their environmental merits, to enable our customers to make an informed choice....
....And we likewise, we ask our suppliers to inform us of their environmental credentials, and encourage them to inform us of any new materials that may be of interest to our clients.

Paper: The Myths & The Facts

When it comes to the sustainability of print and paper, it’s important to separate verifiable facts from opinion and misleading information.

We have produced a PDF which fact checks some concerns over paper usage.

European forests are shrinking
European forests have been growing by over 1,500 football pitches every day
Paper is bad for the environment
Paper is one of the few truly sustainable products
Paper production is a major cause of global greenhouse gas emissions
Most of the energy used is renewable and carbon intensity is surprisingly low and just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions
Only recycled paper should be used
Virgin fibres from sustainably managed forests are needed to maintain the paper cycle
Print and paper is a wasteful product
Paper is one of the most recycled products in the world
Electronic communication is more environmentally friendly
Electronic communication has substantial environmental impacts
Print is a declining media
Printed media is growing
Printing is environmentally unfriendly
Modern printers are greener than ever